Can you get the numbers 1,2,3,4,5, 6, 7, 8,9 to total 100 just by adding together ? - Page 2 - DebateIsland Development Environment The Best Online Debate Website |

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Can you get the numbers 1,2,3,4,5, 6, 7, 8,9 to total 100 just by adding together ?
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  • @Dee I am not your buddy.
  • If my claim is fallicious you should be able to at least name the fallacy I am guilty of. But you are unable to do so.

    Either way, this doesn't change that your making an argument from ignorance, and that your claim has been throughly refuted.
  • DeeDee 421 Pts

    Just when we were getting on so well , in fairness you certainly know how to hold a grudge 
  • DeeDee 421 Pts
    edited March 2018

    I dont  mean to be patronising ...... that’s means I don’t want it to appear I’m talking down to you , but I haven’t a clue what you’re talking about 

  • @Dee

    I believe that.
  • DeeDee 421 Pts

    You gave it your “ best “ no shame in that buddy 
  • @Dee

    Don't worry, I don't hold myself responsible for your ignorance.
  • DeeDee 421 Pts

    But I know the solution , your ignorance is really  something you need to address don’t you think ?
  • @Dee ;

    I think I got it!


    The bold is supposed to be subscript (as an exponent).

  • DeeDee 421 Pts


    Hi , no it’s nothing to do with exponents it’s purely addition that gets you there , you were on the right track as in doubling some numbers to reach a solution now a little hint think about TOTALS and how we arrive at them when adding numbers together 

    Incidentally you’re a good sport with a sharp enquiring  mind and if you don’t solve it I shall message you the solution privately , I cannot believe some of the hostile reactions from Americans on this site it’s unreal 
  • 1+  2+3+4  +  3+4+5  +  4+5+6  +  5+6+7  +  6+7+8  + 7+8+9
  • DeeDee 421 Pts


    You've used more than 9 numbers 
  • No.

    I only used the numbers 1to 9.

    In a sequence of 6 additions.

    And only used numbers once, in each part of the sequence.
  • DeeDee 421 Pts


    1+  2+3+4  +  3+4+5  +  4+5+6  +  5+6+7  +  6+7+8  + 7+8+9

    I count 20 numbers in this , I stated 1 to 9 that is 9 numbers no more no less 
  • No.

    All you stated was no decimal points.

    "Can you get 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 to total 100 just by adding together".

    That's exactly what I've done.

    You didn't specify, just by adding what together. Or in what sequence the process of addition must take place.

    You need to rephrase the question, in order to eliminate the ambiguity.

    Otherwise it could be regarded as a trick question.

    As it stands and with straightforward parameters. Then the answer to the question would be no.

    Nonetheless. Good fun on a quiet Good Friday.

  • DeeDee 421 Pts
    edited March 2018


    The startling thing about this question is school kids understand it as written nearly every adult finds something to criticize about the wording , this is always the way , incidentally the great American Mathematician Martin Gardener  who loved lateral thinking and math thought this was brilliant 

    "Can you get 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 to total 100 just by adding together".

    That's exactly what I've done.

    You used 20 numbers to reach your conclusion you may use the 9 numbers in any sequence you wish but only 9 no more no less you have not done that 

    I’m tired of arguments over a fun question I cannot state the problem in an easier way a

     I wish you a Happy Easter 
  • Y'all realise you're being trolled, right?
  • DeeDee 421 Pts


    They’re not , I always supply the solution to those who take the question in the spirit it’s meant as in a lateral thinking problem , but you being another rabidly  hostile American no doubt need to save face by firing off lazy accusations .... well done you 
  • EmeryPearsonEmeryPearson 124 Pts
    edited March 2018
    Fredsnephew Has the closest answer to the question.

    The question cannot equal 100, but he comes up with the most logical answer with the parameters you gave.

    "But I know the solution , your ignorance is really  something you need to address don’t you think ?"

    No, I only have to address evidence, not the claim that you think you have evidence.
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 1699 Pts
    I assume your question implies that, aside from simply summing the natural numbers, you can also put them together? For example: 12 + 3 + 4 + 56 + 7 + 8 + 9 = 99 - almost there. 

    In that case, I have seen this problem before, and I believe the answer is "yes" - but I forgot the exact solution.
  • and @Dee
    I don't know if you left or what, but I'm ready to hear your answer.
    i fart cows
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